Category Archives: Star

Starry Night Photograph at Pantai Acheh

This kind of starry night photograph is in my “Dream Shot” list. Dreaming-to-Shoot. Always wonder what is the criteria and the correct setting to get a picture like this, night full with stars. Finally, a chance given and i grabbed my tool, including my tripod, after 3 hours of hard work, I got all this done and this photo, I love my artwork! For those who would like to give it a try, here is my setting: Shutter speed: 30″ Aperture: f/3.5 ISO: 1000 With the help of my tripod and lights from mobile phone. 🙂 Starry Night Photograph

Meteor Night

Meteor Night

Couldn’t get meteor shower, but in fact witnessed the beauty of the night.

Poetry Inspector

Favorites from around the Web

The Growing Stone of Hope! Each Click makes a difference!

You click on the video & we add a stone!

Natalie Breuer

Natalie. Writer. Photographer. Etc.

WellDressedGeek - WDG

Random Photography, Fine Art and Fashion

Being Margaret

Life, Insights and Observations Through Writing and Art

Deidra Alexander's Blog

I have people to kill, lives to ruin, plagues to bring, and worlds to destroy. I am not the Angel of Death. I'm a fiction writer.

Tiantian Art

Watercolour and mixed media art

this is... The Neighborhood

the Story within the Story

Top 10 of Anything and Everything

Animals, Travel, Casinos, Sports, Gift Ideas, Mental Health and So Much More!

Danny Boy

Blog experimentation by Danny

Trekking Tracy

Photos, Thoughts, and Da Kine

Mrs. City Boy

Our little corner of the Midwest!

My Little Garden

welcome to my garden ,be my guest- take a seat and have some tea ^ - ^

Claire Atkinson

maker of images

Nigel Borrington

Capturing the world with Photography, Painting and Drawing

The Baggage Handler

I made the impossible easy in both worlds!